
4 Reasons to Elevate Your Content Marketing Strategy Now

Content marketing is the biggest driver of the digital marketing movement. Quality content allows companies to engage with audiences in a controlled, efficient, and effective way. These points are especially important for an affiliate marketer looking to compete for business in the eCommerce arena.

The following is an overview of some of the most important reasons to elevate your content marketing strategy as soon as possible.

People Have Questions

Successful content marketing is focused on providing in-depth answers to the questions people typically have when researching a need. In many cases, people do not go in search of product-specific information initially; they search for ideas and tips on how to address a particular function or emotional need.

Your content should address the common problems and questions faced by your targeted buyer personas. Think about the struggles, concerns, and questions your particular customers have before they land on the products and services you sell. Delivering strong answers with your content enhances the user experience, attracts visitors, and drives conversions.

Online Buying Often Starts at Google

As you evaluate your marketing strategies, concentrate your efforts on methods that align with the buyer journey. As the following graphic illustrates, the majority of online buyer journeys begin with a search engine. Google, in particular, is where most people go to start their problem investigation.

Search engine optimization and content marketing go hand-in-hand. Since search engines are a dominant referrer to eCommerce sites, it is important that you recognize the SEO benefits of a well-orchestrated content marketing strategy. Success with SEO takes time and discipline, and your strategy should center on giving targeted users high-quality experiences based on your site design and the information you provide.

Content Contributes to Loyalty

Content marketing is as important to turning visitors and buyers into loyal customers as it is in attracting them. Useful and relevant blog content, for instance, motivates people to follow you on social media and subscribe to your email marketing list. These additional connection points help keep your brand in front of people over time, which compels them to come back for repeat purchases and to share interesting items with others.

Your blog can also create a conversation with visitors, which allows you to promote the most useful and relevant solutions based on individual interests.

You Must Connect Before Purchase

The graphic below illustrates the importance of making a connection with a visitor above and beyond making a sale. The majority of online shoppers do not purchase the first time they come to your site. As indicated, the average time between a first visit and purchase is 19 hours.

This data highlights the importance of making a connection with visitors through your content that keeps them on your site and ensures they come back if they do not make a purchase on the first visit.


Content marketing is driving much of the success that online providers have in attracting and retaining potential customers. For affiliate marketers, it is especially important to leverage quality content as you look to compete with large online retailers in the digital shopping world.

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Neil Kokemuller

Neil Kokemuller has been a college marketing professor since 2004. He has also been an active business, marketing and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in retail and small business, and holds a Master of Business Administration from Iowa State University.