How to Build Better Landing Pages
High-quality landing pages are essential to success for affiliate marketers. They play a critical role in attracting visitors to your site through search engine referrals and then converting guests into customers.
The following is an overview of strategies and insights to help you optimize your landing pages to achieve the best possible results.
Compelling CTA and Attention-Getting Button
The primary purpose of your landing page is to convince a visitor to take the desired action that leads to a conversion. For instance, your page might detail the benefits of a product and then offer a discount or hook to the visitor directing a click to an offer page or contact form.
The combination of an attractive, attention-getting button and an effective call-to-action are what propels visitors to respond. Your CTA button should be easy-to-find and indicate clearly the action you want the reader to take.
Images and Videos
Landing pages that include copy only aren’t optimized. You need visualization. Product images, testimonials with pictures of people and videos are among the common options for creating visual appeal.
When aesthetics or style are key features of a product’s appeal, images that showcase them are valuable. Powerful testimonials with images of real people play on consumer trust in peer input. Videos demonstrations and testimonials are especially powerful. Younger consumers, in particular, consume more video content than any other type of content format.
Product Reviews
Because consumers do rely so much on the input of peers, a dedicated review landing page is valuable. You can use a review page for product comparisons between multiple options within a category. Alternatively, you can have dedicated review pages for each product that display customer ratings and reviews. Quality ratings and reviews heavily influence a person in the consideration stage of the buyer journey.
Promotional Inducement
Getting a prospect to your landing page is an accomplishment. You don’t want them to leave without establishing some type of connection, whether through a product purchase, newsletter sign-up or site registration. The challenge is to motivate visitors to take one of these steps.
Enter the promotional incentive. You could offer some type of gift, such as a free eBook or 10 percent off a first-time purchase, for an email subscription or registration.
Test Page Alternatives
Testing is important for optimizing any facet of your affiliate marketing business. Sometimes, it pays to test landing page alternatives to determine which designs, content and offers your particular marketplaces respond to the best.
As you test variations, track the results to determine your optimized engagement and response. Then, utilize the ideal combination of content and features to maximize performance.
These are some of the best things affiliate marketers can do to optimize results from landing pages. Implement these strategies and discover the benefits of a better response and financial gains.