Marketing & Promotions

3 Tactics for Boosting Your Conversions

For eSellers, even a modest improvement in your conversion rate can have significant implications for your bottom line. Thus, learning strategies that boost your store’s conversion rate should go at the top of your list of business priorities.

The following is an overview of some actionable tactics to boost your conversions and improve your sales performance.

Monitor Site Interactivity

Tracking basic demographic and behavioral data through Google Analytics is a great starting point for monitoring performance. However, to boost your conversion success, take tracking to the next level by assessing granular interactions on your web pages.

Inspectlet, MixPanel and CrazyEgg are a few examples of current tools that assist in monitoring site interactivity. Inspectlet, for instance, monitors every move a person makes on your site and allows you to compare it to entry path, landing page and location. CrazyEgg offers heat maps and other visual tools to help you easily see which elements on a page your users are engaging with.

Utilize the data gleaned to prioritize critical page components and product features to align with the user journey.

Target and Improve Landing Pages

People may simply experience disappointment with the results when clicking on your landing page from a search engine or other referral source. This disappointment could stem from the solution not matching the user’s need, or from poor quality content on your landing page or blog post that doesn’t provide value for the reader.

Each landing page should have a clear user target in mind. Create the landing page content in a way that addresses the primary concerns and needs of the targeted buyer persona. Develop ads, social media content, emails and other marketing communication strategies aimed to drive the prospects to the right pages.

Simplify the Buying Process

Imagine you have done well at attracting the right people to the right pages, and you delivered content that seals the deal. Next, your potential customer has to go through eight steps or pages of forms before finalizing the purchase and providing payment. These types of hoops are a primary factor in low conversion rates and contribute to the more than 50 percent cart abandonment rates experienced in most eCommerce sectors.

You don’t have to collect every key piece of data from a visitor on a first purchase. Instead, get the basics, and use a captured email address to follow-up. Initially, you just need the essentials, like a name, email and payment information. Allow people to purchase as “Guests” if they prefer. Again, you can implement a follow-up strategy to drive repeat business and to convert the one-time buyer into a “Customer.”

Abandoned cart email campaigns are important as well. These emails remind people during a buying process that they have items waiting for purchase. In your email plan, you could offer a discount or incentive to motivate purchase completion if it doesn’t happen quickly.


These are some of the most useful tips for eSellers to boost conversion rates and sales. Follow each of these, and you should see improvement in your conversion efficiency relatively soon.

Further enhance your revenue-generating effectiveness with a payment services provider you can trust. Payoneer delivers hassle-free, affordable global payment services for eSellers!

Neil Kokemuller

Neil Kokemuller has been a college marketing professor since 2004. He has also been an active business, marketing and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in retail and small business, and holds a Master of Business Administration from Iowa State University.