Marketing & Promotions

6 of The Most Successful Email Marketing Automation Ideas for Your eCommerce Business

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Gloria Kopp, Content Writer at Academized

Email marketing automation is one of the leading practices that businesses of all sizes should be adopting. This form of automation is where your website or servers will automatically send an email to your customers when they perform a certain action with your business, or they don’t.

You can use these technologies to maximize your business’s opportunities beyond belief, but the question remains, what emails should you automate?

1. Emails to say hello

This type of email is very self-explanatory. On your website, you might have a box that comes up that asking for your users to subscribe to your newsletter or to join your online community by entering their email address. This is an obvious trigger when your customer inputs their email; you’ll automatically send them an email welcoming them to your business.

Statistics show that welcome emails are 6x more effective than promotional emails and over 76% of customers expect a welcome email when they sign up to a website. You can use tools like Reach Mail and ToutApp to create high-quality welcome emails and set up the triggers.

2. Nurturing your leads

With this automation, you’ll need to consider whether or not you create content for your blogs and your social network pages. If you are, great! If you’re not, this is definitely something you should be considering!

This is also known as ‘lead nurturing workflow’ and works when users visit certain blog posts by clicking or entering URLs. When the trigger detects that your users are reading related content, it will automatically send them a personalised email related to that content. This helps to nurture a relationship with your customers, as well as maximising your sales opportunities.

These kinds of triggers can be set up using tools like Mail Chimp and created using email copywriting services such as Paper Fellows.

3. Working with a new customer

Similar to saying hello to your new customers, you don’t have to stop there. When it comes to new customers, they may have already signed up to your business, but that doesn’t mean that they’re going to make a purchase. Instead, you need to gently show these customers exactly what your business is made of.

The customer might have only stumbled upon your site, looked a few products and left which is when you can use automation to show them what your business is made of.

You can include information on how to make a purchase, popular and trending content on your website that they’ll be interested in, information about your business or share links with how to connect with your social media profiles. You can create engaging emails like this using tools like Litmus.

4. Following up with orders

Another one of the best ways to cement your relationships with your customers is by following up with them after they have made an order, simply to show them that you care.

After they have made an order, all you have to say is something along the lines of ‘thank you’. However, alongside this gratitude, you can include links to your social media profiles, upsell other related products, send them a copy of their invoice and recipient or even offer a discount on their next purchase, again, maximizing your opportunities!

Be sure to keep these emails short and sweet where you can use tools like Easy Word Count. You’ll also want to make sure you don’t sound too pushy when wanting your customers to buy more. This means editing your emails several times. You can do this using tools like Big Assignments.

5. Reducing complete cart abandonment

Cart abandonment is one of the biggest problems that eCommerce businesses face, and it can happen for any reason, whether the customer simply doesn’t want the products anymore or has simply forgotten about it.

However, using email automation, if a cart is left abandoned for a set amount of time, you can send a friendly reminder email to state that the cart is still waiting for them. In these emails, it may even be worth including an incentive, such as a discount voucher or money-off coupon to help encourage them to make the final purchase.

6. Re-activating lost customers

Sometimes, after extended periods of time, your customers may stop engaging with your emails that can be heart-breaking, to say the least. However, using automation, you can get them back, it’s all a question of getting the content right.

Check your personal email box. What kind of emails do you have saying things like ‘we miss you’ and ‘we want you back!’ These are all great, personal ways to get the customer to come back to you and to start engaging with your store again. You can even include an incentive to cement the deal of bringing them back!

In these emails, always ensure that your content is perfect. If it’s full of errors, it’s going to look unprofessional, and your customers won’t want to return. You can use tools like UK Writings for proofreading your emails and Essayroo for checking your grammar.

As you can see, there are many ways you can automate your email workflows to maximise your eCommerce business’s sales opportunities. Be smart with your content, and you’ll be sure to retain your customers as well as welcoming and capturing the hearts of your new ones.

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Gloria Kopp is an eCommerce marketing consultant and a content writer at Academized. She is a contributing author at Microsoft and Resumention blogs. Gloria is an author of Studydemic blog where she writes her guides and reviews with students and educators.

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