Company spotlight: Crossover – international recruitment with a difference
In today’s competitive work environment, everyone is looking to hire the best possible talent for their company. But what happens when the most talented person for the position is thousands of miles away? Today’s Company Spotlight is focused on a company that has found a way to overcome international obstacles to help companies hire the most talented people for the job – Crossover.
Crossover is an international recruitment agency that redefines the way people work. They have developed a unique method of finding, curating, and managing remote contractors. This means they not only connect companies with highly skilled workers around the world, but they also help them manage pay and increase the productivity of that talent.
Connecting Talent and Companies Across the Globe
“The vision of Crossover is really all about connecting the best talent from around the world to companies in the US that truly need that talent,” explains Andy Tryba, CEO of Crossover.
One of the main challenges that Crossover faced was paying the contractors they engage with in every corner of the world. “Since we connect people from around the world to diverse companies,” said Andy, “for them to actually get paid is a critical part of our business and a critical part of their success working with these companies.”
Through Payoneer’s payment solution, Crossover can easily send funds to numerous countries across the globe, in the contractor’s local currency. “Payoneer helps us pay people from 85 different countries around the world,” said Andy. “We actually have about 1,500 people being paid as of right now and this number is growing every day.”
“One of the things I love about Payoneer is the simplicity that they offer. Because we have people in so many different countries, the amount of bank regulations and inner bank transfer fees, all that complexity is taken out of our hands and made very simple with the Payoneer model.”
The More the Merrier
Crossover has gone through a spectacular growth since they’ve launched, increasing the number of talent they recruit and therefore countries they work with month over month. Said Andy, “As time goes by, I absolutely believe that we’ll continue to expand the number of countries that we’re in and it’s going to be critical to continue to partner with Payoneer to be able to provide payments to all of those additional countries that we’ll be bringing onboard.”
To learn more about sending mass payouts through Payoneer, contact us here.