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Payoneer Guest Blogger Agreement

Payoneer CommunityPayoneer Community
December 22, 2019

By signing below, you confirm that you have read, and agree to, the terms of this agreement.

  • When quoting others, you must cite the source.
  • Once the guest blog has been submitted to Payoneer, you may not publish the post anywhere online, including your own website without explicit permission.
  • Guest bloggers shall not be entitled to any compensation for writing the post.
  • Payoneer may post the guest blog on a variety of social media networks but does not guarantee any particular site or reach.
  • Payoneer may, in its sole discretion, use or not use the works that you have submitted (“Works”) or any parts thereof, and may make any changes in, deletions from or additions to the Works.
  • You warrant and represent that all of the Works are your original works, have not been obtained by unlawful means and have not been previously published in any manner or medium, and publication of the Works will not violate any copyright or other intellectual property right of any third party;
  • You warrant and represent that none of the Works shall infringe upon or violate the rights of privacy or publicity of, or constitute defamation against, or violate any common law or any other rights of, any person, firm or corporation.
  • You agree to indemnify Payoneer from all liabilities and claims arising out of any breach of your warranties and representations. This indemnification shall apply only to materials created or furnished by you and shall not extend to changes or additions made therein or thereto by Payoneer or by other writers hired by Payoneer.
  • You hereby assign to Payoneer the sole and exclusive ownership throughout the world and in perpetuity of all rights, title and interest of every kind and nature (including without limitation copyright and the right to create derivative works based on the Works) in the Works and waive your moral rights in and to the Works. You hereby agree that all Works submitted by you to, and published by, Payoneer shall be considered works for hire, and further, to the extent any intellectual property right does not pass pursuant to a work for hire, you hereby assign to Payoneer all rights to publish the Works, in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which it can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device, including without limitation the rights to archive, republish, edit, repackage or revise any Work in any manner as Payoneer sees fit.  The rights conferred upon Payoneer by this agreement shall be exclusive to Payoneer.
  • The parties expressly agree and acknowledge that the relationship created by this agreement is one of independent contractor. Payoneer is not your employer, and you are not, and will not be treated as, an employee of Payoneer for any purpose.

    Regarding images:

    • The guest blogger must be the copyright holder of image/video or image/video must be licensed under an appropriate creative commons license or in the public domain.
    • Payoneer reserves the right to change the image/video.
    • If people are included in the image/video, the guest blogger writer must provide written release allowing use of likeness.

The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.

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