Spring cleaning for your freelance business

Springtime is an ideal time for personal and professional renewal. It is the best time to clear out “dead weight” and start fresh. Freelancers who take action now will continue to benefit throughout the rest of the working year.  Check out these 6 ways to rejuvenate your business just in time for spring:

Revitalize your website

With DIY website creation tools like Wix or Weebly, it’s now easier than ever to get online. For those of you with and existing website, take a few minutes to update the content, add high quality images, incorporate social media buttons, add testimonials and make any small adjustments to the design that will help users navigate your site and showcase you as a professional and reliable freelancer. If you are looking to do some SEO on your site, check out Search Engine Marketing and Promoting Your Website.

Revise your social media

Social media is a great way to connect with new people, including potential freelance clients. Having a presence on one of the hugely trafficked social-media platforms can also help your own freelancer website rank better in search and help you get found by prospects. A few tips to going social: Start blogging on popular industry relevant sites to drive traffic to your business. Utilize LinkedIn to connect with companies who may be interested in your services. Try Facebook Advertising to attract a targeted group of potential clients. Put up a visual portfolio on YouTube or some how-to videos that might help your prospects and highlight you are an industry leader. Pick one of these outlets and create a plan to try out this spring.

Rebuild your mailing list

Have you heard of the “Rule of Seven?” Essentially, the idea is your clients need to come in contact with you an average of 7 times before buying or reaching out.  It’s unlikely clients will contact you after their very first visit to your website (and you shouldn’t expect them to). You need to give them a reason (and remind them) to come back. Being able to send them helpful emails is the easiest way! Here are a 3 quick tips to grow your mailing list:

  1. Create a free piece of content to offer website visitors in exchange for their contact info. (Ex: A designer might offer a free eBook with which explains in detail how to update your website design). Prominently display the freebie on your website with a simple form that requires an email to download OR create a landing page for your freebie (no menu, header sidebar, etc) which you can drive traffic to from social media sites and Google Ads.
  2. Install the Magic Action Box plugin to add opt-in forms at the bottom of your blog posts to get potential clients to sign up to your mailing address.
  3. Create a contest on social media which requires an email to enter offering (Ex:  Enter to win a free 1 hr consultation for your website redesign)

Reach out existing contacts

Surprisingly, few freelancers follow-up with clients or take the time to demonstrate that they are invested in their future success. Review your client base over the past year and look for opportunities to provide assistance. If you are a designer, you might offer assistance with small website changes or an overall branding guide. You never know when a client might send work your way simply because you popped up on their radar at the right time.

Ramp up your networking

Many freelancers rely on word-of-mouth and referrals for new business, but don’t underestimate the importance of networking for freelancers. Are there any key events that you should attend, associations you should join, or groups that you should be part of? If you don’t have the budget to attend events, take advantage of free webinars. Identify key organizations or companies in your field and see if you can present at company webinars as a specialist in your field.

Redesign your workspace

An organized workstation allows you to work freely and think creatively. While there are countless ways to organize your workspace and add more personality, start small. Clean the desktop of anything you don’t use or need anymore. Check your drawers to make sure there are no unused papers, files or other items that can make drawers and cabinets disorganized.  Commit to spending 5 minutes at the end of each day to keep up your new clean workspace and you’re on your way to a more productive future.

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