oDesk freelancer uses Payoneer to receive payments

We are glad to share with you our latest user testimonial from Pavel Borovac, an independent oDesk contractor, you can find him www.g-imagine.com or https://www.odesk.com/o/profiles/browse/?q=pavle+borovac. Enjoy:

A few years ago, when it wasn’t that easy for me (in Central Europe) to withdraw my online earnings via traditional banking system and conventional transfer protocols, I joined “oDesk” and ordered a “Payoneer” card as a method to withdraw money. Since then my transfer troubles  have vanished. By a few simple clicks, within minutes, I can access my funds on any ATM machine in my area.

 In other words, using Payoneer services, for more than four years now, is an incredible experience. It’s an absolutely reliable and safe bridge between my work, weekly transactions and daily needs. In addition, whenever I had questions or any dilemmas, the staff always was friendly, precise and professional. Simply, I couldn’t imagine anything better than that.


To share your own testimonial you can email community [at] payoneer [dot] com

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Melisa Sukman Epand

Director of Community at Payoneer. Melisa is passionate about marketing, design, and social media. With over 10 years of experience in building connections and educating users through social media, Melisa helps to grow the global Payoneer community, educate Payoneer customers about our services, and empower them to build a successful future. You can contact her at melisasu[@]payoneer.com.