
Looking Beyond the BEYOND 24-Hour Virtual Summit

Running a marathon can be tiring, but also invigorating. So, it’s no wonder that after our BEYOND virtual summit for digital business, with 87 talks broadcast in 24 hours across 5 continents, the 15,000 entrepreneurs who participated are feeling energized and ready to put their new-found knowledge into practice. One of them may even be you.

In case you missed it, here’s a short overview of just some of the highlights.

The day kicked off on 14th October, with our opening keynote session by our very own CEO, Scott Galit. Whether it was day or night where you were, Scott’s welcome was available on demand, as were all sessions, so you could catch up in your own time. We then dived straight in with our first eCommerce session of the day.

Can eCommerce Keep Growing?

We started off by asking ‘Can eCommerce Keep Growing?’. With some of the leading voices in eCommerce today, we delved into some hot discussions with executives from Catch, Australia’s leading marketplace, the Market, New Zealand’s newest marketplace, Commission Factory, the global leaders in Affiliate Marketing, and Klarna, the leading ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ platform.

While some were tuning in to develop tools that helped Canva, Envato, and PocketSmith stay ahead of the competition, others were getting insights from Amazon, Google, Wayfair and Mercado Libre, on how to scale their business to new marketplaces worldwide.

Freelancers of The World Unite

Meanwhile, freelancers of the world were called to unite and join one of the world’s leading HR and freelancing experts, Jon Younger, for a fireside chat to understand how the world is their oyster as a new age of work dawns. Presenters from Fiverr also gave their inside tips for how freelancers can progress further.

A Global Conference With Something for Everyone

From Asia and Europe to the U.S. and Latin America, there was something for everyone. Those in South East Asia heard from the Senior Vice President at Lazada to understand more closely how the retail landscape there is evolving with an acceleration in digital transformation. Participants also heard from Steve Tan, CEO of Leap Vista and a superstar in the dropshipping industry to learn how he, along with his brother, achieved over 9-figures in sales from their multiple stores and what trends might impact the drop-shipping business from 2021 and beyond.

It wasn’t all work though. In between sessions, we saw some awesome entertainment from a few of our very own customers, such as magical entertainer, Matan Rosenberg, and singer/actress, Shayy Freitas. The BEYOND virtual summit was an opportunity to showcase their talents and gain exposure to a truly global audience.

The virtual Expo Hall also gave participants the chance to network and meet with any of our many partners and sponsors, setting up 1:1s to discuss potential opportunities. It was amazing to see so many stay on after the talks had finished to just hang out and chat online as easily as being at a real offline conference – remember those?!

We’re not going to lie – it was a marathon to get the event organized and launched without a hitch. But when it all came together and ran so well on the day, the payoffs made it totally worthwhile. It was incredible to see so many of you joining in with the session discussions, asking questions and connecting with likeminded digital entrepreneurs. After all, helping you grow your business is what these events are all about, and we can’t wait to start arranging the next one for you.

In the meantime, and if you missed BEYOND 24 this time, we’ll soon be posting some video highlights right here on the blog. Stay tuned!

Thank you to all our sponsors and exhibitors who participated in BEYOND and making it the incredible event it was!

Richard Clayton

Richard is the Head of Content at Payoneer. An accomplished marketing manager, Richard is passionate about thinking creatively to communicate effectively.