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New Security Feature: E-mail Alerts

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
March 14, 2013

As you know, security is among our top priorities at Payoneer. I’m happy to announce that Payoneer has introduced a new service that will further enhance the security of your Payoneer account.

This new service will allow Payoneer cardholders to receive an alert, via email, for any transaction made to their card that meets certain criteria. The cardholder can then review the transaction to ensure that it is authorized, or immediately notify Payoneer’s security department if there are any issues.

The service is currently in a closed pilot, available only to certain account holders. We will slowly be rolling out the service to more account holders, and will make announcements as we have further updates.

If you have any comments or suggestions about this new service, please be sure to let us know in the comments!

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The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.
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Payoneer Valentine’s Day contest winners

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
March 12, 2013


We would like to thank all of you who participated in Payoneer’s 2013 Valentine’s Day Contest. We had a lot of great submissions and really enjoyed seeing how you guys used the Payoneer card for Valentine’s day.

Below you can find the 14 winners of the contest:















Stay tuned to our social media and blog for further contest announcements 🙂 !


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The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.
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Payoneer’s 2013 Valentine’s Day contest

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
February 12, 2013

Payoneer is excited to announce our 2013 Valentine’s Day Contest. Payoneer cardholders can win an “I Love Payoneer” T-shirt by tweeting pictures of items purchased with a Payoneer card for Valentine’s Day.

What do you need to do?


  1. Simply tweet pictures of items purchased with a Payoneer card using the hashtag #PayoneerLove from February 14th -21st.
  2. After you tweet the picture, visit Payoneer’s official Facebook page and submit your entry form.

All entries will be reviewed by Payoneer’s community team, and the top 14 will win an “I Love Payoneer” T-shirt.  Winners will be chosen based on creativity and influence of the Tweet.

  • Pictures can be items you purchased for someone else, or that were purchased for you by someone else, as long as it was purchased using the Payoneer card.
  • The pictures must be your own and not taken from anywhere else or impose on any copyright infringement laws.
  • Pictures must be appropriate for all viewers (i.e. no nudity, illegal paraphernalia etc.).
  • For further contest rules and guidelines please visit the official contest page.

Winners will be contacted by email and will be announced on March 11, 2013 via our social media outlets.

We can’t wait to see your photography skills!

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The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.
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Who is your favorite to win the 2012 USPS Video Contest?

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
December 4, 2012

We want to thank you all for the amazing videos that you submitted our the US Payment Service 2012 Video Contest!

The contest is now officially closed to submissions.

Our staff is loving watching the videos and enjoy what you all came up with.

Go to the Payoneer forum, check out all the videos and let us know which you like best!

The winners will be contacted by email and will be announced on December 31st, 2012, so keep an eye out!


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The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.
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How to receive your Clickbank earnings with Payoneer

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
November 18, 2012

ClickBank and Payoneer have an established, official partnership that provides Payoneer users with a simple way to receive their ClickBank earnings.

This partnership is ideal for sellers or affiliates who want to receive their ClickBank payments straight to their Payoneer account–which allows them to withdraw funds at any time from their bank account in their local currency or use their Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard.

Interested in becoming a seller or affiliate on ClickBank? Learn more here.  

If you’re using ClickBank but do not already have a Payoneer account, you can learn more and sign up here.

A ClickBank-Payoneer connection allows sellers and affiliates to:

  • Get paid by marketplaces and international clients as if they had their own local bank account
  • Access their funds anywhere in the world in just minutes
  • Withdraw funds directly into their local bank account at competitive rates
  • Use their Payoneer account to pay suppliers, contractors or others directly from their Payoneer balance.
  • Receive their payments in USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, SGD, HKD and more
  • Manage their Payoneer account online or via the Payoneer mobile app
  • Access to 24/7 multilingual support via chat, email, or phone

Once your Payoneer account application is approved, you will receive an e-mail with the details of your receiving account. This information will be used to connect your Payoneer account to your ClickBank nickname account.

Follow these simple steps to connect your ClickBank account with Payoneer.

Step 1)    Log into your ClickBank Account

Step 2)    Click Accounts

Clickbank Account Earnings Payoneer 1

Step 3)    Select the nickname account you want to connect to Payoneer to receive payments.

Clickbank Account Earnings Payoneer 2

Step 4)  Select Account Settings.

Clickbank Account Earnings Payoneer 3

Step 5)  Scroll to the Payment Information section and click Edit.

Clickbank Account Earnings Payoneer 4

Step 6) Select the Direct Deposit radial button.

Clickbank Account Earnings Payoneer 5

Step 7: Select United States from the Bank Country dropdown menu.

Clickbank Account Earnings Payoneer 6

Step 8: Enter your US Payment Service Information as shown on your Payoneer Account.

Step 9: Click Save Changes.

Clickbank Account Earnings Payoneer 7


Open a Payoneer account

The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.
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Win money with Payoneer’s US Payment Service 2012 video contest!

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
November 1, 2012

Payoneer is excited to roll-out our 2012 US Payment Service Video Contest. Payoneer cardholders can earn any of 30 cash prizes by submitting a short video about our US Payment Service. The video does not have to cover specific aspect of Payoneer’s US Payment Service. You can talk about how the US Payment Service has helped you, why you like the service, what your favorite aspect of the service is or anything your Spielberg-like imagination can come up with!

What do you need to do?

1)      Upload a video to YouTube between November 1st -30th, 2012 with the tag “Payoneer US Payment Service 2012

2)      After you upload the video to YouTube, embed a link to your video on the Facebook form for the contest and on the Payoneer forum in the “2012 Payoneer Video Competition” section. Click to learn how to sign up for our forum and how to embed your video into a forum post.

  • Videos will be reviewed by Payoneer’s community team, and the top 10 videos will win cash prizes of $200 each and the other 20 winners will receive a cash prize of $50 each!
  • Videos should be between 30-60 seconds long and in your native language. Please speak clearly. Videos longer than 60 seconds will be automatically rejected.
  • Videos should begin with the sentence “My name is ___ and I am from ___”
  • For further contest rules and guidelines please visit the official contest page.

Winners will be chose based on originality, relevance, clarity and specific stories. The winners will be contact by email and will be announced on December 31st, 2012 via our Social Media outlets.

So stop reading and start making your video 😉 !


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Payoneer attends the 2012 Topcoder Open

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
October 11, 2012

We recently attended the 2012 TopCoder Open, a world-wide programming and designing tournament open to all TopCoder members 18 and older. There are six competition tracks: Algorithm, Design, Development, Marathon, Mod Dash, and Studio Design offer overing over $300,000 in cash prizes.


We want to thank everyone who attended.  It was great meeting with you all and hearing about your experiences with Payoneer!  We’re thrilled to have been a part of this year’s event, and are looking forward to 2013!   You can read more about the 2012 TopCoder Open at http://community.topcoder.com/tco12/


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Payoneer sponsoring at Russian affiliate days 2012

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
October 2, 2012

Payoneer is excited to announce that we will be sponsoring and attending at the first ever Russian Affiliate Days conference in Moscow, on October 4-5th 2012. Payoneer representatives will also be speaking on both days.

The conference will discuss issues and share tips relating to many different aspects of Marketing, including: Affiliate Marketing, CPA/CPO Advertising, alternative sources of traffic and more.

Russian Affiliate Days aims to educate and initiate an open dialogue between all market players.

In addition, Neverblue and Payoneer have joined together to organize an evening party on October 4!

This after-party is a great opportunity to learn more about how the Neverblue and Payoneer can help you with your internet marketing reach and of course there will be free food and drinks 🙂 .Spots are limited so please register for the evening event here.

If you would like to meet with us on either day please email partners@payoneer.ru to set up a time.

We look forward to seeing you there.


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Win an apple iPad from Payoneer @apps_world 2012

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
September 25, 2012

Payoneer is excited to be attending the upcoming @Apps_World 2012 in London.  In honor of the event, we’ll be giving away an Apple iPad!

Simply visit us at Booth #057 and enter your name for a chance to win.  The winner will be randomly drawn at our booth on October 3, 4:00 PM, so make sure you’re there to collect your iPad.  As an added bonus, stop by our booth and show us your Payoneer card and we’ll load $20 to your card, so make sure you don’t miss it!

In addition to our booth at the event, Payoneer Founder and President Yuval Tal will be taking part in a panel on in-app billing & monetization, along with ZooZ Co-Founder and CTO Ronen Morecki.

If you’d to schedule a meeting with Payoneer @Apps_World 2012, contact sales@payoneer.com


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Receive Adorika payments to your Payoneer account

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
July 9, 2012

Payoneer is excited to announce that we are now an official payment method for Adorika Media, providing payout solutions to over 200 countries worldwide.

Adorika Media is an online media company that focuses on branded display campaigns as well as performance based display campaigns worldwide. Their publishers benefit from high eCPMs through targeted ads, 100% fill rates and quality assured inventory.

Additionally, they work with advertisers to provide them with targeted media to ensure the high ROI on every campaign they build, optimize and perfect. Delivering more than 7 billion monthly impressions covering every corner of the globe, they are growing on a daily basis.

Adorika’s buying power via direct publisher relationships, exchanges, SSPs and DSPs provides their clients with wide scale and reach.

To sign up to receive your Adorika payouts from Payoneer, please contact the Adorika finance department at finance[at]adorika.com.

Adorika publishers can choose to receive their payments via the Payoneer Prepaid Debit Mastercard® Card or Payoneer’s Global Bank Transfer Service.

The Adorika Payoneer Prepaid Debit Mastercard® Card, allows Adorika publishers to get paid to their own personalized card, which can be used in stores, online and at ATM’s worldwide that accept Mastercard.

Additional benefits of the Adorika Prepaid Mastercard® include:

•    Funds are available in minutes
•    No bank account required
•    Account held in US Dollars
•    Manage your account online with your private and secure My Account page
•    24×7 E-mail, telephone and live chat multilingual Customer Support

Payoneer’s Global Bank Transfer Service allows you to receive payments directly to your bank account, via US direct deposit, local bank transfers and wire transfers.

Benefits include:

•    Cost-Effective – Reduce costs by taking advantage of Payoneer’s global banking network
•    Available in over 200 countries and 40 currencies
•    Easy – One time setup of account details
•    No monthly fees or maintenance charges


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Payoneer blood drive 2012

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
June 17, 2012

Did you know that in the US alone, a patient is in need of blood every 2 seconds? That’s over 38,000 blood donations each day.  Unfortunately, only about 38% of the US population is eligible to donate blood, and only 3% actually do.

Donating blood is an essential contribution to society; an act that literally saves lives.  In fact, just one hour of your time can save three lives!

While there are organizations and programs dedicated to blood collection, their success is largely reliant upon community involvement and support.  Payoneer strongly supports blood donation, and holds annual company blood drives to show our support.

The 2012 Payoneer Blood Drive was a major success, with close to 100 Payoneer employees that signed up and donated!

If you’re able to give blood, we strongly recommend that you get in touch with your local blood center and donate.  If you haven’t donated before, click here for information on the donation process and what to expect.

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The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.
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Payoneer exhibiting at DSA’s 2012 annual meeting

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
April 18, 2012

Payoneer is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at DSA’s 2012 Annual Meeting on June 3-5, 2012, in Grapevine, Texas at the Gaylord Texan Resort. The conference will focus on direct selling, and sharing ideas, information and tricks of the trade.

To view an overview and agenda of the conference you can visit the event website.

Keynote speakers for the event will include: John Addison, Primerica Co-CEO & Chairman of Distribution, Cindy Moore, Thirty-one Gifts Founder & CEO, and more to come!

Come by our exhibit or set up a meeting beforehand by contacting me at Davidst@payoneer.com.

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