


In accordance with the new regulations announced by China’s Ministry of Commerce on strengthening the export quality supervision products, we may need your cooperation to submit the corresponding customs declaration documents on PPE Personal Protection Equipmentexporting related transactions. If you’re using Payoneer to receive PPE related direct payments from your overseas buyers, please make sure to submit documents accordingly (payments from marketplaces will not be affected, please follow the marketplace guidance for selling PPE related items).


非法出口医疗类防护产品可能导致您的派安盈账户无法正常使用,如需了解详情或提交资料,请联系您的客户经理或发送邮件至payoneerppe@payoneer.com (邮件中请标明您的客户编号)

Any unnoticed PPE related transactions may cause your account to be suspended or cause delayed payments. To submit documents or to ask for more details, please contact your account manager or send an email to payoneerppe@payoneer.com (please make sure to include your customer ID in your email).



Thank you in advance



Documents needed are as follows:


适用范围:医用口罩及其他医用产品 (防护服,呼吸机,检测试剂,红外体温计)

Medical supplies (masks, ventilators, , test kits, thermometers)


  1. 企业营业执照 (经营范围包括医疗器械)且须在医疗器械企业白名单 http://www.cccmhpie.org.cn/
  2. 出口医疗物资声明 (见附件)
  3. 出口方和进口方共同声明(中英文都可)
  4. PI/PO/合同
  5. 物流说明
    1. 已发货:提交相关关单或物流单据
    2. 未发货:说明发货计划
  1. Business license ( including medical supplies in the product list) and listed in government whitelist http://www.cccmhpie.org.cn/
  2. Export declaration of medical suppliers
  3. Joint declaration of the exporter and the importer
  4. PI/PO/Invoice
  5. Shipment arrangement
    1. Shipped:shipment documents
    2. Non-shipped:explanation and communication history with buyer



Non-medical masks


  1. 1.生产企业营业执照且须在医保监会非医用口罩企业清单 http://www.cccmhpie.org.cn/
  2. 出口方和进口方共同声明
  3. PI/PO/合同
  4. 物流说明
    1. 已发货:提交相关关单或物流单据
    2. 未发货:说明发货计划
  1. Business license and in government whitelist http://www.cccmhpie.org.cn/
  2. Joint declaration of the exporter and the importer
  3. PI/PO/Invoice
  4. Shipment arrangement
    1. Shipped:shipment documents
    2. Non-shipped:explanation and communication history with buyer
Richard Clayton

Richard is the Head of Content at Payoneer. An accomplished marketing manager, Richard is passionate about thinking creatively to communicate effectively.