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4 Tips for Improving Your Copy to Boost Affiliate Sales

Neil KokemullerNeil Kokemuller
August 1, 2018

The inability to convert a steady flow of traffic into customers is a common and critical frustration for affiliate marketers. Often, the issue is that your copy isn’t working as well as it could to drive conversions and revenue.

The following is a look at helpful tips for improving your copy to rev up your affiliate sales engine.

Provide Complete and Accurate Product Information

When people go into a physical retail store, they have access to service associates who can answer questions. On your affiliate site, product descriptions must deliver the answers to common questions. Additionally, you could have an FAQ page to address common general questions.

On your product pages, present descriptions that cover all of the key features, dimensions and performance factors relevant to visitors. Think about questions you would want to be answered. Accuracy is vital as well. There are risks to buying online, so customers need a higher level of confidence in the data and information provided.

Add Enhanced Support Information

Beyond product images and descriptions, add key page elements that strengthen your copy and assist visitors in making decisions. A user-driven question and answer section, like those available on Amazon, is an example. Allow users to submit questions about products that other users can address. This Q&A section serves as a valuable resource for visitors.

Product ratings and reviews are of tremendous support as well. Online shoppers trust peer input online as much as they do input from friends and family when making purchase decisions. Allow customers to rate and review products.

Demonstrate Category and Product Expertise

It only takes a few seconds for a site visitor to form an impression as to whether your site and page are of good quality. In particular, visitors are determining whether your site has credibility and authority to assist them in making the right purchase decision.

There are numerous user experience factors to incorporate into a quality affiliate site. However, your ultimate goal is to establish that you offer experience in the categories and products you provide. For this reason, it is often better to focus on niche categories rather than attempting to sell everything to everyone.

Demonstrate your experience with thorough, well-written copy. Avoid simple writing errors that detract from your credibility. Include plenty of depth to cover all key facts of the product’s value as a solution for the targeted prospects.

Verify Link Accuracy

The only way to get paid on affiliate referrals is to have an accurate ID within your outgoing links. This may sound like a simple point, but a lot of affiliates miss out on earned commissions because they don’t have dedicated links or accurate IDs within their embedded links. Double-check your links to ensure you get credit for sales referrals.


Apply these strategies to boost your conversion efficiency as affiliate marketers. In total, these steps contribute to the delivery of useful, valuable and thorough page content that optimizes decision accuracy for visitors.

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