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How to Stay Ahead of Trends and Boost Your Affiliate Income

Neil KokemullerNeil Kokemuller
October 4, 2018

The eCommerce arena continues to get more competitive as companies in all sectors aim to earn their piece of the growing online marketplace. The affiliate market is seeing more competition as well. Thus, it is vital that you stay ahead of competitors in adapting to the latest product trends.

The following are some powerful strategies to leverage the latest product trends to boost your affiliate income.

Research Platform-Based Shopping Trends

One of the best places to start with product-based research is on the shopping platforms you use in your business. Some platforms, like Suzy Shier, have tabs that allow consumers to “Shop by Trend” or otherwise search for trending products.

Spend time going through the product categories and products trending to see which ones align with your business. In some cases, these trends are short-lived. Thus, the more quickly you can adapt your offerings, content and promotional strategies, the better equipped you are to take advantage of what is hot at any one time. Other trends may last longer, so identifying these opportunities for extended revenue is critical as well.

Search for Early Holiday-Shopping and Other Seasonal Guides

Every year, it seems that traditional and online retailers promote holiday trends and products earlier than the year before. This rush to capitalize also causes bloggers and other content producers to move faster on getting their holiday shopping guides published.

A search for “2018 Holiday Shopping Guides” or something similar already yields page-after-page of results. Spend time looking through some of these guides to identifying common patterns with regard to product categories and items expected to perform the best.

Conduct searches for “Top Products for 2019” and similar keywords, and you get more of the same. You can also find guides for other holidays and seasonal times throughout the year.

Look for “Google Trends”

Speaking of searches, Google provides one of the best ways to tell what consumers are looking for with its Google Trends tool. This tool allows you to look up the top trends by “Featured Insights,” time frame and in specific categories.

In addition to investigating trends identified by Google, use Google Trends to validate your hunches about product popularity. Put in the particular product or category and see how its current search activity compares with its historical search volume.

Bookmark Trending Product Websites

Finally, there are some great trending product websites on the web that allow you to search popular products by category. Trend Hunter is one example. This site is especially powerful for niche affiliates looking to dig deep into its assortment of offerings to cover a product category with the best choices for consumers.


These are some of the best ways that you can stay familiar with the products and trends that impact your business. Product trend research is an ongoing process for affiliate marketers that want to maximize their profits.

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