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What the Best-Ranking Amazon Listings Have in Common

Payoneer CommunityPayoneer Community
May 28, 2018

Takeaways from an In-Depth Analysis of 3,000 #1-Ranked Amazon Listings

What drives an Amazon product to the top? That‘s the question on any sellers mind when trying to make it to the top – of the search results that is. How long should your title description be and does the number of images even matter in the quest to securing a top-ranked listing are all answered in Skubana and Payoneer’s latest report.

Build your product listing like the best with insights collected from 3,000 #1 ranked Amazon product listings. This report used listings from 3 category sets across a diverse set of subcategories offering up insights that are actionable – no matter what you sell.  From this analysis, Skubana and Payoneer have found the most common traits that can impact the visibility on Amazon’s A9 organic search.


In a marketplace with hundreds of millions of products on offer, increasing your visibility is THE key to success. With similar products being offered by thousands of other sellers, the competition is tough. Sellers want to be recognized, as plenty of resources go into sourcing, marketing, and inventory and logistics management.

The logic is simple: if your product cannot be found, consumers won’t buy it. This will result in an overall decrease in sales, impacting your revenue. Using a formula for a great product listing, one that’s based on real high-ranking product listings, will create better performance and rank higher in Amazon’s search engine. The higher you rank, the more discoverable you are and the more you can sell.

Skubana Analyzed 3,000 Top Ranking Amazon Product Listings and Paired Together with Payoneer to Put Out This Insightful Report!

Recently, Amazon quietly released a report which included the sales velocity of the top 10,000 ASINs from 31 categories, covering the US, Canada, and Mexico. We’ve saved you the heavy number crunching with this analysis by examining three categories and analyzing data from 3,000 sampled listings, pulling out all the need-to-know action items for you to use to boost your own Amazon product listing rankings.

The categories we analyzed:

  • Electronics
  • Garden Supplies
  • Health & Beauty

From this analysis, we developed a framework of best practices for optimized product listings, from titles to descriptions. Use this framework to achieve better sales results and to help customers reach your product when they’re on the hunt!


What Are Some of the Things You’ll Find out from Our Report?

Title length does impact product listing success.  We’ll tell you the exact length your title should be for optimal ranking success. Plus, you’ll learn that it’s not just the length that matters but also where you place your keywords. We’ll give you all the tips and tricks you need to develop the perfect listing title. Read more…

A picture is worth a thousand words but with product listings, minimal isn’t always the best approach. In the report, you’ll learn how many images you need to make sure your product listing gets the maximum exposure and how the “magic number” for images is probably different than what you think. Read more…

Amazon Featured Bullets for your product listing are important but how many is too many and how few are too few? This report will tell you exactly how many bullets the top-ranking listings are using. Read more…

Learn how to tweak the content on your product listings and start ranking among the #1 ranked Amazon products!


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