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Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton







Payoneer为卖家提供一流的服务和低廉的费率。了解详情 >>








3. You can get updated information on their interests and purchase behavior

Working with your return customers who may not have bought anything for a while provides a way to learn more about them. How they respond to the coupon offer, when they buy, and what they buy can be compared to past purchases to see if there is any shift in their purchase behavior. This data can be valuable in planning future marketing campaigns because you may not have realized that their tastes or needs had changed. You’ll be able to collect and analyze this new information that you might not have received if you hadn’t used coupons or promo codes.

4. It’s an opportunity to gauge the impact of new marketing campaigns

Like the data you gather related to customer behavior, you’ll also be able to assess how marketing campaigns are received tied to various strategies you have implemented. How customers respond to the promotions associated with those coupons tells you what time of year or season gets the greatest response. You may also be introducing a marketing campaign related to a special event so a coupon could be the perfect tie-in to generate more revenue compared to previous campaigns for the same event. The difference in response can tell you what is working and what may still need work.

5. It creates an image of exclusivity and illustrates high regard for your customers

Everything you do within your marketing strategy should also reflect the further development of the brand image you want to project and create in your customers’ minds. While coupons can be associated with a discount brand, using them thoughtfully and marketing these deals as exclusive to returning customers shows a higher level of regard and appreciation for these customers and generates that feeling of setting them apart from the crowd. This sense of exclusivity can be tied to your overall brand image and go a long way toward enhancing the special connection you make with your customer base. This can also increase their loyalty over time.

In every way, coupons and promo codes are designed to increase your revenue while solidifying customer loyalty, including bringing back customers that might otherwise have been lost. Additionally, it enhances your brand image and introduces you to other potential new customers when your team of influencers passes on these deals. You’ll experience a significant return on your investment that is reason enough to add coupons and promo codes as carefully planned tactics throughout the year.

本文提供的内容,包括与定价、费用和其他收费有关的任何信息,仅截至其发布之日准确有效。此外,适用法规、政策、市场条件或其他相关因素的变化可能会影响所述及定价和收费及其他相关信息的准确性。我们对此进一步澄清,任何有关定价、费用和其他收费的信息均可能发生变化,您有责任确保您所查看的是适用于您的最新内容。Payoneer 派安盈将在账户注册过程中为您提供与定价和费用有关的最新准确信息。已注册客户可通过其在线账户查看这些信息。


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