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amazon store health check

Accelerate Your Amazon Sales With a Store Health Check

Guest PostGuest Post
March 30, 2021

Editor’s note: This is a guest post written by Andy Hooper, CEO of Global E-Commerce Experts

Is your Amazon store fully optimized for maximum sales? Many of you may not be aware of the ways in which you can boost the performance of your Amazon store. 

Just like a website, an Amazon store requires ongoing work & optimization to achieve increased sales volume. The health check will provide you with a comprehensive report detailing suggested performance updates, fine tuning, and content upgrades.  All very useful information but, for some, the technical side and time commitments to continuously monitor and enhance each account may not be sustainable. Why not leave that part to the experts? 

amazon store health

This especially applies to international sellers expanding into EU markets, which throws up a whole world of complexities.  As a non-native eCommerce seller looking to, or already expanded into the UK and Europe there can be many difficult hurdles to overcome in ensuring your Amazon store is performing as successfully as possible. With language barriers, time and expertise, there are a whole host of factors that could impact you in optimizing the accounts with maximum efficiency.

amazon store health

Performing an in-depth investigation into your marketplace accounts can give you all the information needed to make informed, wise and sensible decisions as to what ongoing actions need to be taken to optimize your accounts and increase sales.  This free service does exactly this, with the added benefit of account optimization experts available to help manage your listings performance.

5 Typical Listing Optimization Issues Amazon Sellers Face

1. Listing Optimization – Front End

Sellers often face a high customer bounce rate if their shop front doesn’t promote the right level of content and visual appeal.  Just like a high street store, if you don’t like what you see in the window, you’ll walk on by.  This is accentuated for Amazon sellers as there’s so much online competition and comparison. 

A lot of sellers lose sales due to the smallest level of detail which causes customers to exit your listing.  Even if you think you have the right level of information, if your customers can’t and don’t see it in the way they want to, they can and will leave.  They still want to buy; they just won’t buy from you.

  • Title – A strong attractive title will increase your conversion rate.  Get it wrong and buyers will scroll on past your listing.  A title should contain relevant keywords, be easy for customers to read and be less than 200 characters.
  • Features & Benefits – Where possible these should be bulleted and define the main features of your product.
  • The use of HTML in listings – The use of HTML in your listings will add to the impact of your text.  You should include things like line breaks to emphasize your key selling points, emboldened key information & underlined product benefits.

These are just a few examples of what’s analyzed & covered in the full health check report.

2. Listings in EU Markets

Are your listings translated thoroughly enough for each of the EU marketplaces?  Ensuring that your listings have native speaker relevancy can eliminate cultural & language barriers which can increase your EU listing conversion.

Having a professional translation service can fine tune your EU listings.  Even if you have current translations, are they optimized to the right level with the correct and most relevant copy?

3. Listing Images

Do your listings have the right balance of images?  You should have the right mix of visual representation for each product and in the right volume. For more visual buyers, images can be the main buying factor. You should also use the maximum number of images allowed to increase your products appeal and visually accentuate the features & benefits. The use of hero images and infographics can add a great deal of confidence to the buyer.

4. Inventory

A lot of sellers face inventory issues which can cause products to be out of stock or temporarily unavailable.  Your Amazon IPI Index will determine how much stock you can hold at an Amazon fulfilment center.  This is a score related to your sales volume.  It can be a difficult balancing act to manage your inventory to ensure your products are always available.  A surge in sales can be counter intuitive in the sense that it could quickly render you with no stock, and the need to ship more stock in quickly and of course the subsequent import taxes. 

The reports will show you effective 3PL solutions used by 1000’s of sellers to avoid this and insure you always have stock available to move into Amazon fulfilment centers, quickly, through the UK & EU.

5. Product Reviews

Many sellers fall short of sales due to product reviews and product review management.  In the world of eCommerce we’re ever more driven to buy based on customer reviews.  Buyers seek confidence from the actual reviews and the volume of products sold.  A huge part of this is managing the reviews and responding to customer comments.  Even if you get a negative review or comment, it may not be your fault or be factually incorrect.  The fact that you manage such reviews with an effective response can make a huge difference to consumer confidence.

The reports highlight effective solutions and support mechanisms to manage customer reviews and use them as a mechanism to increase, not lose sales. 

What Does the Health Check Include? 

The process involves a complete analysis of your accounts which produces a full and detailed report.  The team will walk you through each element, including all the immediate areas of need, plus ongoing areas of optimization that will keep your accounts in top health.

The health check provides an in-depth overview of your Amazon store for all EU marketplace stores, providing feedback on any issues found, actions to complete, and steps that could be taken to help increase your sales volume.

The report covers:

  • Listing optimization via keywords and imagery
  • Inventory overview including shipments
  • Pricing and competition
  • Sales velocity
  • Feedback / reviews and messages
  • Advertising and campaigns
  • Business and advertisement reporting
  • Promotions / vouchers and deals
  • Enhanced brand content (EBC) and storefront
  • General account health

How Critical Amazon Store Maintenance Can Be

We cannot stress enough how important it is to carry out a thorough investigation of your marketplace accounts to give you a full picture of where you could be losing impressions and conversions.

Whether it’s the EU, another overseas market or your home country, research will uncover underlying issues, oversights & optimization potential.

What to Expect from the Health Check Results 

With the right level of optimization, you can expect:

  • Better advertising costs
  • Increased Sales Velocity and higher product ranking within Amazon
  • Optimized listings with hero and lifestyle images and relevant high CTR keywords
  • Higher performing Amazon European Marketplaces

How Can I Receive a Free Store Health Check? 

Simply get in touch with the team at Global eCommerce Experts to action the free service and they’ll guide you through the process and create your own individual report.

To contact Global eCommerce Experts, click here.  

Andy Hooper Biog ImageAndy Hooper, CEO of Global E-Commerce Experts, has been successfully expanding businesses into new markets for over 15 years.  An accomplished specialist in eCommerce, Andy now works with companies around the world providing comprehensive gateways and solutions to new markets, especially US based organizations transitioning into the EU. 

The content provided in this article including any information relating to pricing, fees, and other charges is accurate and valid only as of the date it was published. In addition, changes in applicable regulations, policies, market conditions, or other relevant factors may impact the accuracy of the mentioned pricing and fees and other associated details. Accordingly, it is further clarified that any information regarding pricing, fees and other charges is subject to changes, and it is your responsibility to ensure you are viewing the most up to date content applicable to you. Payoneer will provide the most up to date and accurate information relating to pricing and fees as part of the account registration process. Registered customers can view this information via their online account.

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