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How to Succeed as a Freelancer Even During a Pandemic

Richard ClaytonRichard Clayton
February 3, 2021

There’s no doubt that just like traditional workers, freelancers around the world are experiencing hardships and setbacks due to the coronavirus global pandemic.

Given that there are close to 59 million freelancers in the U.S. alone and about 1.1 billion in the world, the competition for work, especially during the current crisis is extremely high and may not be all that easy.

With that said, there are still plenty of opportunities for you to grab as a freelancer. In fact, since the start of the pandemic, online employment marketplace ZipRecruiter reported that temp work postings increased by 10%.

So, what can you do to stay afloat and succeed as a freelancer during the pandemic?

In our latest video series ‘The Freelancer Lounge’, Jon Younger, author of the Forbes blog, Freelance Revolution, shared tips on how to overcome the pandemic slump and succeed as a freelancer even during challenging times.

Watch the full episode below!

As freelancing and remote work will continue to grow, here’s what you can do to hold on.

1. Freelance in Areas That Offer Lucrative Income

Unfortunately, not all freelance incomes are equal and depending on the field you specialize in, you may want to reconsider learning new skills that pay more. For example, if you freelance in the areas of tech, marketing or management consulting, chances are that your income is pretty stable. However, if you currently freelance in the areas of hospitality or events, you are probably finding it tough to earn income as the pandemic caused these areas to mostly shut down.

Now’s the time to consider making the transition to another area of work, one that can offer a more attractive salary. Furthermore, now is also the time to seek work where demand is up and constant. Freelance work in areas such as consulting, web development, coding, graphic design and others are all in very high demand for 2021.

2. Be More Creative When Seeking Opportunities

Think about additional ways to create more opportunity by rethinking how you’ve defined your area of expertise. Perhaps instead of searching for short-term gigs, try looking for long-term gigs which will eventually leave you more financially satisfied. For example, if you’re a HR consultant, consider the possibility of regular part-time work.

3. Use the Right Platforms

As you already know, there are a plethora of freelance platforms out there, some are focused on specific areas like software development or graphic design, and some target a more general audience of freelancers. Ask yourself if you’re on the platforms that offer broader gigs or on the ones that focus on your niche.

For example, if you’re a freelance videographer, then it’s crucial that you are visible on the platforms in which companies and businesses seek your expertise. At the same time, as more opportunities may come along, you’ll want to also remain visible to clients that are seeking additional skills that still may apply to you.

4. Take Advantage of Your Network

Don’t underestimate your freelance network, as it can be a great source for new opportunities. Building professional connections and seeking out new ones could also help you out in the long term. In order to survive now, reach out to existing clients, join groups on social media and connect with fellow freelancers who may be able to connect you with clients seeking your skills and do the same for them. You never know how your generosity can help you in the long term.

5. Learn New Skills During Your Free Time

Finally, are you using your downtime to enhance your current skills or learn new ones? Don’t just focus on what you already know how to do, and instead, focus on new areas that can offer you even more opportunities. Without a doubt, now’s the right time to add new skills to your resume that could potentially attract new clients and leave you with a salary you were always hoping for.

With Effort and Creativity, You Can Succeed as a Freelancer

No matter what crisis may come about, there are certainly more than enough ways to succeed as a freelancer, even during a global pandemic. If you tap into new areas that are in high demand, learn new skills, utilize the right platforms and take advantage of your network, then more opportunities will lie ahead, but it’s up to you to be creative and put in the effort.

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